
The dotlottie-wc component accepts all configuration attributes of DotLottie from @lottiefiles/dotlottie-web, allowing you to customize your animation as required.

srcstringURL of the Lottie or DotLottie animation.
autoplaybooleanAutomatically start the animation.
loopbooleanLoop the animation.
speednumberPlayback speed.
datastringAnimation data as a string or ArrayBuffer for .lottie animations.
segmentArrayAnimation segment as an array of two numbers (start frame and end frame).
modestringAnimation play mode (e.g., “forward”, “bounce”).
backgroundColorstringBackground color of the canvas. Accepts 6-digit or 8-digit hex color string (e.g., “#000000FF”).
renderConfigRenderConfigConfiguration for rendering the animation.
themeIdstringThe ID of the dotLottie theme to initially use.