The dotlottie-wc
component accepts all configuration attributes of DotLottie from @lottiefiles/dotlottie-web
, allowing you to customize your animation as required.
Attribute | Type | Description |
src | string | URL of the Lottie or DotLottie animation. |
autoplay | boolean | Automatically start the animation. |
loop | boolean | Loop the animation. |
speed | number | Playback speed. |
data | string | Animation data as a string or ArrayBuffer for .lottie animations. |
segment | Array | Animation segment as an array of two numbers (start frame and end frame). |
mode | string | Animation play mode (e.g., “forward”, “bounce”). |
backgroundColor | string | Background color of the canvas. Accepts 6-digit or 8-digit hex color string (e.g., “#000000FF”). |
renderConfig | RenderConfig | Configuration for rendering the animation. |
themeId | string | The ID of the dotLottie theme to initially use. |