instances expose the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
currentFrame | number | Represents the animation’s currently displayed frame number. |
duration | number | Specifies the animation’s total playback time in milliseconds. |
totalFrames | number | Denotes the total count of individual frames within the animation. |
loop | boolean | Indicates if the animation is set to play in a continuous loop. |
speed | number | Represents the playback speed factor; e.g., 2 would mean double speed. |
loopCount | number | Tracks how many times the animation has completed its loop. |
direction | string | Reflects the current playback direction; e.g., 1 would mean forward, -1 would mean reverse. |
mode | string | Reflects the current playback mode. |
isPaused | boolean | Reflects whether the animation is paused or not. |
isStopped | boolean | Reflects whether the animation is stopped or not. |
isPlaying | boolean | Reflects whether the animation is playing or not. |
segment | [number, number] | Reflects the frames range of the animations. where segment[0] is the start frame and segment[1] is the end frame. |
backgroundColor | string | Gets the background color of the canvas. |
autoplay | boolean | Indicates if the animation is set to auto-play. |
isFrozen | boolean | Reflects whether the animation loop is stopped or not. |
isLoaded | boolean | Reflects whether the animation is loaded or not. |
useFrameInterpolation | boolean | Reflects whether the animation should update on subframes. |
renderConfig | RenderConfig | Configuration for rendering the animation. |
manifest | Manifest | null | The manifest of the loaded dotLottie file. |
marker | string | The lottie named marker to play. |
layout | Layout | The animation layout configuration. |
activeThemeId | string | The ID of the currently active theme. |