
Quick start:

descriptor: {
states: {
running: {
onClick: {
state: 'exploding',
onComplete: {
state: 'finish'

Transitions available:

onAfter {
state: string;
ms: number

After X amount of milliseconds have passed in the current state, transition to the one defined in 'state'.

onClick {
state: string;

Transition to the state defined in 'state' after click is detected on the Lottie animation.

onComplete {
state: string;

Transition to the defined state after the animation has finished playing. If loop is true onComplete will not transition.

If the loop playback settings is a number, it will complete X amount of loops before transitioning.

If playOnScroll is defined in the playbackSettings once the animation has been scrolled to completion it will transition.

onMouseEnter {
state: string;

Transition to the defined state when the mouseenter event is detected on the Lottie animation.

onMouseLeave {
state: string;

Transition to the defined state when the mouseleave event is detected on the Lottie animation.

onShow {
state: string;
threshold: number[]

Transition to the defined state when the animation is visible on screen. The threshold is an array of numbers between 0 and 1 passed to the IntersectionObserver, and defaults to [0, 1] (when the animation appears on screen - transition).