DotLottieEventListener Interface API Reference

The DotLottieEventListener interface defines a set of callback methods that respond to various animation events. Implementing this interface allows for handling animation lifecycle events, playback state changes, and rendering updates.


Event MethodDescription
onLoop(loopCount: UInt)Called when the animation completes a loop. loopCount indicates the number of times the animation has looped.
onRender(frameNo: Float)Invoked for each frame rendered. frameNo is the current frame number.
onStop()Triggered when the animation stops.
onFrame(frame: Float)Called with the current frame number whenever the animation updates.
onPause()Invoked when the animation is paused.
onPlay()Triggered when the animation starts playing.
onComplete()Called when the animation completes all its loops and stops.
onLoad()Invoked when the animation is successfully loaded and ready to play.
onLoadError()Called if there is an error loading the animation.
onLoadError(error: Throwable)Called if there is an error.
onFreeze()Triggered when the animation is frozen at the current frame.
onUnFreeze()Invoked when the animation resumes from a frozen state.
onDestroy()Called when the animation is destroyed and resources are released.

This API reference provides a comprehensive overview of the DotLottieEventListener interface, enabling developers to effectively manage and respond to animation events within their applications.