Playback State

Different types of states are used to perform different actions.

Quick start:

descriptor: {
states: [
name: "...",
type: "PlaybackState",
mode: "Forward",
speed: 1,
use_frame_interpolation: true,
autoplay: true,
loop: true,
marker: "bird"

State types available:

You define a states’ type by defining the ‘type’ property.


type: “PlaybackState”

A playback state allows you to control how the animation will play when entering this state. The available configuration options are:

animationId?: string

Loads the animation with this id from the .lottie file.

loop?: boolean

Defaults to false if not defined.

autoplay?: boolean

Defaults to false if not defined.

mode?: string

The play mode to apply to the animation. Can either be:

  • Forward
  • Reverse
  • Bounce (Play animation from start to end and then end to start)
  • ReverseBounce (Play animation from end to start and then start to end)

speed?: number

Animation playback speed.

marker?: string

Use the marked segment contained inside the animation file.

segment?: [number, number]

Define a start and end frame to use.

use_frame_interpolation?: boolean

Activate frame interpolation. Defaults to true.

reset_context?: string

⚠️ Not implemented.

Resets the context value with the passed id to its default value. Using ”*” will reset all context variables to their default values.

entry_actions?: []

⚠️ Not implemented.

Entry actions allow you to perform a certain action when entering the state:

  • Play sounds
  • Open a URL
  • Set a context variable’s value
  • Use a theme file

exit_actions?: []

⚠️ Not implemented.

Exit actions allow you to perform a certain action when entering the state:

  • Play sounds
  • Open a URL
  • Set a context variable’s value
  • Use a theme file


⚠️ Not implemented.

Allow syncing an animation’s frame to a context variable, allowing for interactions such as playing on scroll.


⚠️ Not implemented.